March brings crocuses and glimpses of trout lilies to Quadra Island, but it’s start of the fishing season for Capt. Bruce and the crew. Their first trip is well underway now as they fill the holds with halibut, sablefish/black cod and rockfish. The freezer, which was installed for the start of the season last year, is being put to good use! Pilar and Rex are sitting out on this first trip, getting systems for 2022 ready, including the launch of our 2022 pre-ordering next week. It’s hoped that you – our customers – will take delivery of hook and line caught halibut and sablefish/black cod by mid-April.
As usual, it was a busy time for Bruce and the crew getting ready to head out on the water for this season. So much to do just to get fishing! This year the big push was preparing for and successfully completing our marine inspection. Vessels between 15 and 150 gross tonnage need to be inspected every four years based on Transport Canada safety regulations. That’s the Tantrum and readying for that inspection kept us busy in the “off” months.
Even without the inspection, there are forever maintenance projects, upgrades and tidying. Wiring. Shaft work. And an infinite list of projects that are too boring to share with Admiral P!